Change Log


  1. Add new command "exclude" to exclude particular tests. See instructions for more information.


  1. Explicitly set the duration of the stream in seek related tests to ensure that their seek position is valid.


  1. Put the tests used to check resource leaks into Endurance Tests.


  1. Add a set of Performance Tests to measure the performance of individual implementation.


  1. Add TestXHROpenState test to ensure that we can set responseType before open the request.
  2. Add a switch to enable stop on error during test. Add parameter "stoponfailure" to enable it via url. See instructions for more information.
  3. Add new command "loop" to turn on loop. See instructions for more information.
  4. Add new command "run" to run the tests. See instructions for more information. The commands 'runselected' and 'runselectedloop' are deprecated.


  1. Make test for media.paused into a separate test instead of putting it inside SourceChain test.
  2. Add parameter "tests" to select only the tests listed. See instructions for more information.
  3. Simplify the ReadyState test to only check dimension and rename it to VideoDimension.


  1. Add parameter "timeout" to override the default timeout. See instructions for more information.
  2. Add parameter "disable_log" to disable log output. See instructions for more information.
  3. Add test CannotPlayWidevine to ensure that no one incorrectly reports to be able to playback media protected by widevine.
  4. Add WebMHandling test to test if the implementation report its WebM support correctly.